Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hot times at the Zoo

Here's our zoo troop. We joined the Ellis boys and Lawson at the San Antonio zoo over the weekend. Whew was it HOT! The kiddos were troopers and us girls couldn't keep up with the crazy boys!

Mia certainly tried but was dragged down a bit by some Benedryl I gave her in morning because of some kind of lil rash she had on her legs. What was I thinking?! We'd never used Benedryl before because a. we never had to and b. when people said we should use it on planes rides to help her sleep they also said it sometimes makes kids wired and there was no way I was going to try something that could possible make Mia even MORE active! So, now we know - Benedryl makes Mia sleepy.....niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicce to know!
We had a great time in San Antonio with our dear friends and loved the zoo!!!

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