Monday, October 22, 2007

At last!

Well I've finally figured this thing out (Dana and Amie you were right) and now can keep everyone up to date with the crazy days of Mia Grace! Halloween is just around the corner and Mia cannot wait to put on her full cinderella costume and go trick or treating! She's worn her "princess" dress twice now, once to try it on and once at Zoo Boo last weekend. To avoid her wearing it everyday, TRUST me she would if she could, I have to tell her the dress has to go to the cleaners after each wear. That little white lie saves us all from the many tears she would shed if it was hanging in her closest every day and was told she couldn't wear it. Here's a picture of her at the zoo with her friend Miss Leila - who dressed up as tinker bell. They were the cutest little princesses at the zoo!!!