Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam!

Here's our sweet one year old!!!!!!!!!! On Friday, her actual birthday we did a small little family night...which started with some gifts. So what do you get a 3rd daughter who has more toys than she'll ever need?!?!? SHOES of course!

She seemed to like them and we did get her some bath toys because even though our house rivals Toys R Us - it is nice for her to get something new all her own....side note, Morgan and Mia have totally been hogging them in the bath! Poor girl!

And big drum roll.....................................she's walking! That's right - lil Sam started cruising around all by herself earlier in the week. And just like her big sisters - on her birthday she was walking all over. Mostly just a few steps at a time but we still consider her a walker now!

The celebrations continued through the weekend! Here are some shots of her with her cupcake. Now, Morgan didn't really do the make -mess-with-the-cupcake thing b/c she didn't seem to like it. But WHOA - Sam was not the same....she LOVED it.

You can't tell it from this pic - but by the time she was done she had it all up her arms, in her hair and none was left! She did a good job finishing it ALL BY HERSELF!
She is the truest are all our girls! Thank you all for your birthday wishes for our dear baby girl!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And now it's Morgan's turn!

Today Morgan went to her first day of school! She's in a 2-day a week program at a school near our house from 8:30 to 2:30. SUCH A BIG GIRL! Last week we did open house and she was none to happy about being dropped off at play area while the parent's had an info meeting. Tears GALORE! So you could imagine the anxiety I was feeling as we headed to her school this morning - fortunately she was all smiles!

And when we left her in her class room with her nice teachers - she immediately grabbed some toys....and her blankie too and went to work. Now, we DO NOT typically allow our sweet girl to drag her blankie around with her in public but since she'll be taking naps at school it goes with her. I seriously hope she didn't have it with her all day long...but at this point, if it makes her happy and feel comfortable then to heck with our normal rules.

Mia said this morning as I dropped her off at school, I bet Morgan's going to fight a lot. I said, yes honey...that's ALL of our fear. But YEA FOR MORGAN - she's finally in school!!! Now hopefully, she'll learn to fight less and share more!