Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet sisters

How great to have a sister!  Morgan has started watching Mia wherever she goes and no one can make Morgan laugh more than her big sister....very cute!  Fortunately, Mia tries to be the big helper more often than not.  She's a great big sis...i'm sure the days of bickering and fighting will come but for now they're just the cutest together!

Oh and we've been having such fun watching Morgan get more curious about the world around her.  She tried out her excer-saucer the other day and LOVED it...for about 15 minutes that is and then she was ready to get out!  And after that she just decided to show off her best toothless grin with daddy. 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lots of family fun and great memories

We just got back from the Thompson family reunion in the Hill Country and we had so much fun we were all completely worn out when we got home.  Mia had soooo many cousins to run around with and she's finally old enough to be able to go off and play with the big kids without having us to be right there with her.  I remember doing that with my cousins and man oh man the fun we had.  It was a great way to spend the labor day weekend and Mat's 33rd birthday. 
And of course Morgan was passed from cousin to cousin, aunts to uncles and she was just happy as could be...her usual smiley self.